
What is Switch Control and How to Use It on iPhone and iPad

For differently-abled people, the "Accessibility" suite in iOS devices has been no less than a boon. The ability to use the iPhone through vocalism-over, take the device read articles, recognize sounds, or perform certain actions with just a touch on is something that truly empowers the differently-abled. Some other equally important but lesser-known Accessibility feature on iPhones is called Switch Control. If you lot are wondering what is 'Switch Control' and how to use it on your iPhone and iPad, here is an in-depth guide so you can get the nigh out of this nifty characteristic.

How to Utilise Switch Command on iPhone and iPad

Switch Control comes with a wide range of features and offers full-on customization so that you can fine-tune all the pivotal aspects. Before getting into the customization aspect, let's offset go the basics out of the manner!

What is Switch Command in iPhone and iPad?

Switch Control is designed to let you control your iPhone and iPad using a single or multiple switches. To be more precise, it changes the gestures used to control your iOS / iPadOS device.

People with limited mobility tin can take advantage of Switch Control to utilize their iPhone or iPad with the help of ability switches and other adaptive devices. Information technology sequentially highlights items on the screen so that you lot tin perform deportment past borer, moving your caput, using adaptive accessories, or even smiling.

iphone point scanning - switch control - accessibility feature iPhone

Notably, Switch Control also supports bespeak scanning and custom gestures. It lets you fine-tune the timing, concur duration, and customize the carte du jour for a more than personalized experience.

Using custom switches, yous tin can perform several actions like selecting and dragging items, activating Siri, invoking the control center, and more. Long story short, Switch Control ensures express mobility doesn't prevent you from getting the most out of your iPhone and iPad.

How to Enable Switch Control on iPhone and iPad

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.

Launch Settings app on your iPhone

ii. Gyre down and tap on Accessibility.

Tap on Accessibility

3. Adjacent, select Switch Command.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

4. Next upward, plough on the switch next to Switch Control. You may become a pop-upwards asking you to ostend the action. Tap 'OK' to confirm and enable the feature.

Enable switch control on iPhone and iPad

Annotation : If you ever want to disable Switch Control, follow the steps above and so plow off the toggle this time effectually. Besides, you tin can triple-click the Home button or the Power button to disable Switch Command on your iPhone or iPad.

How to Add a New Switch

Switch Control lets you add multiple types of switches that you can utilise to command your device. Make sure to assign one switch to the Select item action then that Switch Command can function correctly.

  1. Open the Settings app on your iOS or iPadOS device and go to 'Accessibility -> Switch Control.'

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone - accessibility feature iPhone

2. Now, tap on Switches.

Select Switches

3. Next, tap on Add New Switch.

Choose Add New Switch option

4. Next up, select a switch source:

Now choose the source

  • External: It lets you activate your external switch. The external switches "can be Bluetooth, MIDI, or Made for iPhone/ iPad Assistive Switch Control devices."

Add an external source

  • Screen: Information technology allows y'all to cull Full Screen, enabling yous to utilise Switch Control by tapping anywhere on your iPhone screen. Select Full Screen and then choose a preferred switch activity.

Use Full Screen Switch

  • Photographic camera: Select it to use Switch Control by moving your head to the left or right. Later selecting Left / Right Head Move, you go the option to choose the desired switch action, which could be either exist scanner or system-related.

Use Camera option

  • Dorsum Tap: With iOS 14 or after, you can perform certain actions similar activating Siri, enabling Dictation, or adjusting volume by tapping twice or thrice on your iPhone's dorsum. What's more, you can as well utilize this super handy gesture to raise Switch Control functionality. For case, you can use this gesture to commencement / cease scanning and access the scanner menu.

Use Back Tap for Switch Control

5. Select the preferred switch activity. Then, you have the option to choose Long Press to set upward a long-press action.

Choose long press action

How to Remove a Switch from Switch Control

If yous no longer want to use a certain switch, you lot can easily delete it from Switch Control.

  1. Open the Settings app on your iOS or iPadOS device and go to "Accessibility -> Switch Control."

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone - accessibility feature iPhone

2. Now, tap on Switches.

Select Switches

3. Adjacent, swipe left on the switch you wish to remove. Then, tap on Delete.

Delete a particular switch

How to Create a New Recipe

Interestingly, you tin can also create a new recipe, a fix of complex actions, that you can temporarily assign to switches. Recipes come in handy in performing diverse tasks like triggering controls in games and fifty-fifty turning pages in the Books app. Moreover, you can also tape several gestures as office of a recipe.

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad and go to Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. Now, tap on Recipes.

Tap on Recipes

iii. Next, tap on Create New Recipe. So, give it a suitable proper name, assign a switch, and adjust the timeout.

Create a new recipe

How to Modify Scanning Style

Based on your convenience, yous tin fine-tune the scanning style which lets you tweak how y'all move through items on your screen. Though Auto Scanning is the default, you can go for transmission scanning if you wish to have better control.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

ii. Tap on Scanning Style and select the one y'all prefer. We take explained what each scanning manner does down below:

Choose a scanning style

  • Motorcar Scanning: It lets you move focus automatically after a specified duration.
  • Manual Scanning: It requires a switch to move focus and a 2nd switch to actuate items.
  • Single Switch Stride Scanning: Information technology also requires a switch to be engaged to movement focus. Exercise note that if you accept no action within a specified duration, the item with focus is triggered automatically.

How to Customize Switch Command Timing

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open up Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

ii. Now, scroll down to the Timing section. Next, you take five options to choose from:

Fine-tune Switch Control timing

  • Auto Scanning Fourth dimension: It allows you to adjust the automobile-scanning time for Switch Command. In other words, it lets you lot change how long it takes for Switch Control to automatically browse items. Select it and then utilize the +/- button to accommodate the timing.

Adjust auto scanning time

  • Pause on Showtime Item: It lets you arrange the duration for which time automobile-scanning volition wait after input is pressed. Depending on your needs, you tin can increase/ decrease the timing using the +/- push button.

Pause on First Item

  • Loops: It allows you to hide the cursor after each item on the screen has been visited a certain number of times.

Customize switch control Loops

  • Move Repeat: It enables yous to command the filibuster before the move to the adjacent or previous particular is repeated while a switch remains pressed. It too features +/- buttons to let you fine-melody the timing.

Customize move repeat

  • Long Press: Using the long press, you can add together another action to a switch that is activated when y'all hold the switch for longer than the duration yous have specified. You can not simply choose the timing of the long-press but also pause Switch Control scanning past property down on a long press enabled switch.

Adjust long press option

How to Customize Switch Control Tap Behavior

For a more personalized experience, you can also fine-tune the tap behavior

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Command.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. Now, select the Tap Behavior selection.

Choose Tap Behavior

3. Adjacent, you have three options to choose from:

Fine-tune tap behavior

  • Default: Choose it to show the scanner card of Switch Control.
  • Machine Tap: It causes the Select action to automatically tap the screen unless it is pressed twice to show the Scanner Menu.
  • E'er Tap: Information technology lets you lot make the 'Select action' immediately choose the focused item instead of displaying the Scanner Menu.

Keep in listen that the 'Always Tap' characteristic applies to the Item Way merely. Notably, the Always Tap beliefs volition revert to default in Guiding Cursor and Head Tracking modes.

How to Customize Focused Item After Tap

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Command.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

two. Now, tap on Focused Detail Later Tap.

Focused item after tap

3. Next, you have two options to cull from:

Customize Focused item after tap

  • Outset Detail: Select it to take Switch Control scan the first item.
  • Current Detail: Choose it to have Switch Command browse the electric current item.

How to Customize Keyboard for Switch Control

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

two. Now, scroll down to the 'Keyboard' section. Then, turn on/off the toggles for 'Scan Aforementioned Fundamental After Tap' and 'Extended Predictions' based on your preference.

Customize keyboard for switch control

How to Suit Switch Stabilisation for Switch Control

Switch stabilization allows you to adjust both the hold duration and ignore repeat for improved accessibility control.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. Now, curlicue down to Switch Stabilisation. Next, you lot tin choose to customize the hold duration and ignore repeat.

Customize switch stabilization

  • Concur Duration: It refers to the duration your input device must be held before a press is recognized. Bear in mind that the agree duration must be less than the Auto Tap time so that you tin use the double input printing. Y'all can fine-tune the duration via the +/- buttons.

Adjust hold duration

  • Ignore Repeat: It'southward the duration in which multiple presses of input are treated as a single input. Bear in mind that the ignore repeat duration must be less than the Auto Tap time so that a double input press can be used. You can fine-tune the duration via the +/- buttons.

Adjust ignore repeat

How to Customize Gliding Cursor for Switch Command

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. Now, curlicue down to the 'Signal Scanning' section and cull Gliding Cursor.

Choose Gliding cursor

iii. Side by side up, there are 3 options to choose from, and we accept explained each one does below. Yous tin use the +/- button to adapt the gliding cursor speed.

Customize gliding cursor

  • Unmarried: The Single mode lets you brand one vertical and 1 horizontal selection. It is more often than not faster for larger choice targets.
  • Refined: Refined style enables you to refine your targeting in each direction, with a second scan in the range of your initial pick.
  • Precise: It adds a final low-speed scan for more precise targeting.

How to Utilize Head Tracking

Using the photographic camera of your iPhone and iPad, the 'Caput Tracking' feature follows your head'south motion to control a pointer on the screen. Besides, information technology also tracks your facial expressions to perform actions.

Bear in mind that you can apply Caput Tracking only on the iPhone/iPad with a front-facing TrueDepth camera. The TrueDepth camera is bachelor on iPhone Ten and later, and 12-inch iPad Pro (tertiary and 4th-gen) and 11-inch iPad Pro (1st and 2d-gen).

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Command.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. Now, roll downwards to the 'Point Scanning' section and choose Head Tracking.

Choose Head Tracking

3. Adjacent, toggle on Head Tracking, and then you tin can fine-melody the head-tracking deportment, choose the tracking way, and adjust the pointer speed.

customize head tracking

Fine-Tune Head Tracking Actions

  • Smiling: Information technology lets you lot choose an action to perform when you grin showing your teeth.
  • Open Rima oris: It allows you lot to cull an action to perform when yous open your rima oris.
  • Stick Out Tongue: It enables you to select an action to perform when you stick out your tongue while lips are airtight.
  • Raise Countenance: It allows you lot to choose an activity to perform when you raise your eyebrows.

Fine-Tune Head Tracking Mode

Using tracking mode, you can customize how the pointer moves.

Customize tracking mode on iPhone

  • With Confront: One time selected, you can point your face direct at a position on the screen to move the pointer to that location.
  • When Facing Screen Edges: Select it to point your confront towards an edge of the screen to motility the pointer in that direction. Facing straight at the screen will permit you keep the pointer still.
  • Relative Head: Choose information technology to move the arrow with your caput no thing where you are facing. It's worth mentioning that moving faster makes the pointer motility faster.

How to Enable/ Disable Sound Effects

Switch Control as well offers groovy audio effects that you tin enable or disable as per your needs.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open up Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. Now, turn on/off the switch right side by side to Audio Furnishings.

Turn off sound effects

How to Arrange Switch Control Oral communication

Switch Control provides the desired flexibility to adjust spoken language likewise. For instance, yous can choose a preferred vocalism and even fine-tune the speaking rate.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. At present, scroll downward to the 'Audio' section and select the 'Speech' selection.

Choose Speech

iii. Next, turn on the switch for Oral communication. After that, you can choose the preferred voice, adapt the speaking charge per unit, and enable/ disable 'Speak Item Attributes' and 'Pause while Speaking' options.

Customize Speech for Switch Control

How to Customize Switch Control Menu Items

Another feature worth taking note of is the power to customize the menu items. It lets y'all tweak non only gestures, settings but also media controls then that you can stay in complete control while performing various actions.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, launch Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

two. At present, scroll down and choose Carte du jour Items.

Choose Menu Items

3. Next, in that location are 5 menu items to choose from: Top Level, Gestures, Device, Settings, and Media Controls. Select the preferred bill of fare item then adjust the guild in which yous want them to appear.

Customize Switch Control Menu Items

How to Enable/ Disable Group Items

Switch Control also lets you group items for faster navigation. However, you can choose to enable/disable it on your own terms.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open up Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. At present, turn off/on the toggle for Group Items based on your preference.

Enable Group Items

How to Enable/ Disable Big Cursor

Though the big cursor looks better and makes navigation a bit more convenient, you can disable it if you lot don't find it helpful.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Command.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. Now, scroll downwardly to the 'Visual' section and turn off the 'Large Cursor' toggle.

Disable large cursor

How to Customize Switch Command Cursor Color

Probably the coolest thing well-nigh Switch Command is the ability to customize the cursor color. And so, if you want the cursor to await pleasing to the eyes (or if yous are colorblind), cull the desired color for it.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Command.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. At present, gyre down to the 'Visual' section and select Cursor Color.

Select Cursor color

3. Side by side, cull a preferred colour for the cursor.

Choose color for cursor

How to Create New Switch Control Gestures

Gestures go far simpler to perform specific tasks. Then, never fail to create handy gestures that can permit you get work done faster.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

2. At present, scroll down and choose Saved Gestures.

Choose Saved gestures

three. Next, click on Create New Gesture.

Create new gestures

4. Next up, tap or swipe to create a neat custom gesture. Do note that a sequence of gestures will exist counted every bit a single multiple-impact gesture. Say you draw 'O' followed past 2 'I', then you volition take to draw 'OII' each fourth dimension you want to activate the action linked to that gesture. Once you create the desired gesture, make sure to tap on Salve.

Tap on Save

Now, you can activate your custom gestures from the Actions -> Gestures -> Saved.

Enable/ Disable Side Button Confirmation

Yous can apply Switch Control to ostend payments with Face ID, or any time double-clicking the side push is required to verify the purchase.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings app -> Accessibility -> Switch Control.

Tap on Switch Control on iPhone

ii. Now, scroll downwards to the bottom and then turn on the switch right next to Ostend with Switch Control.

Confirm with side button

3. Next, tap on Go on and so double-click the side push button to confirm.

double click the side button

Enable and Customize Switch Control on iOS and iPadOS

That's pretty much it! As I said higher up, Switch Control is a pretty handy Accessibility characteristic designed for folks with express mobility. The best part about this characteristic is the wide range of customization options. Thus, you lot can tweak all the essential aspects in line with your needs. Besides, it as well lets y'all customize the appearance of carte items and the cursor, which might come in handy for some.

Recently, we accept covered quite a few Accessibility-related articles, such as how to enable and use Magnifier, Screen Curtain, Sound Recognition, and Accessibility Shortcut. Exist sure to check them out if you are yet to get the most out of these equally useful features.


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